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Fear Not Tarantulas, Inc.

Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad Chevron Tarantula) about 1/2" - 3/4" FREE for orders $100 and over (after discounts and does not include shipping) One freebie per shipment.

Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad Chevron Tarantula) about 1/2" - 3/4" FREE for orders $100 and over (after discounts and does not include shipping) One freebie per shipment.

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Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad Chevron Tarantula) freebie!

Scientific Name: Psalmopoeus cambridgei

Common Name: Trinidad Chevron Tarantula

Type: New world, arboreal

Endemic Location: Trinidad

Adult Size: 6-7"

Diet: Crickets, roaches and mealworms

General info: The Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad Chevron Tarantula) is an ideal species for arachnid hobbyists looking for an introductory experience to Old World spiders, due to its similarities to OW species. This species grows quickly, reaching an adult size of up to 6-7". Its tan body is distinguished by its distinctive chevron pattern on the abdomen. Its venom is even being used in research on preventative stroke treatments!

We offer 50 dram vials for sale.  They are perfect for this species and include substrate and foliage

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