About: This is a beautiful arboreal species with a shimmery golden carapace and peachy pink legs contrasted by a black patterned abdomen. While raising this species, we have noticed them to be much calmer than others within this genus. They tend not to be the sprinters that irminia are, and are not as likely to bolt out of their enclosure. They need a tall arboreal enclosure with cork rounds to hide in. They like silk leaves, they seem easier for them to web to than plastic. A water dish should be provided, although these guys seem to prefer drinking from their foliage and enclosure walls. Mist a day or two out of the week to provide humidity and drinking water, but be sure not to soak the substrate. Good ventilation is a must.
Psalmopoeus pulcher (Panama Blonde Tarantula) Info + Caresheet
Psalmopoeus pulcher (Panama Blonde Tarantula) Info + Care

Name Pronunciation:
Psalmopoeus (sal-muh-PEE-uhs)
* Adapted from The American Tarantula Society
Name and Description History:
Psalmopoeus pulcher Petrunkevitch, 1925
Psalmopoeus pulcher Peters, 2003
Psalmopoeus rufus Gabriel, 2014
New World. Arboreal
Size: 5-6”Growth Rate: medium-fast
Natural Habitat: Panama. Near the Panama Canal
Housing Needs: Arboreal setup with cork bark.
Temperament: Calmer than others in this genus. We have never seen any of ours give a threat posture
Diet: Crickets, roaches, mealworms