Omothymus violaceopes (Singapore Blue Tarantula) Info + Caresheet

Omothymus violaceopes (Singapore Blue Tarantula) Info + Care sheet

Previously known as Lampropelma violaceopedes


Old World, Semi-Arboreal
Size: up to 10”
Growth rate: Fast – mature in about a year.
Natural Habitat: Singapore, Riau Islands in Indonesia and the southern states of Peninsular Malaysia. Moist, tropical rain forest where it lives in hollow trees.
Housing Needs: Arboreal setup, though they also burrow. A hollow cork-bark tube is perfect for this species. It is very important to keep this species at higher levels of humidity. They do best kept around 75 – 85 degrees. Adding some foliage also helps mimic their natural environment.
Temperament: Defensive, and very fast.

About: This is one of the largest arboreal tarantulas in the hobby. Their brilliant blue colors and long red hairs make them a very attractive addition to a collection. Their front legs are very long compared with the ‘back’ ones. This is one species where sexual dimorphism applies. As soon as a male matures, he looks like a different tarantula! After the ‘ultimate’ molt, he will be an olive green and his legs look pipe cleaners – full of fluffy bristles. They are said to be aggressive, though ours are shy and hide rather than go into a threat posture. This species is nocturnal, so you will likely see it roaming it’s enclosure at night or very early in the morning. 


EWL (Egg With Legs)
Female with an egg sac