Heteroscodra maculata (Togo Starburst Baboon Tarantula) info + caresheet

Heteroscodra maculata (Togo Starburst Baboon Tarantula) Information + caresheet










Name Pronunciation:
Heteroscodra (he-tuh-ruh-SKAH-druh)
maculata (maak-yuh-LAH-tuh)

* Adapted from The American Tarantula Society

 Taxonomy and History
Scientific Name :
Heteroscodra maculata
Described By:
Pocock, 1899
Researcher Profile:
Reginald Innes Pocock

Type: Old World. Semi-arboreal

Size: 5-6”
Growth Rate: Fast
Natural Habitat: Africa. Togo, Cameroon and Ghana area. Lives in vegetation and tree holes.
Housing Needs: Arboreal setup with cork tubes are ideal, though they will usually stay at the bottom of their tube. They will also enjoy some substrate to dig in a little, and some silk leaves. They tend to web up their spaces fairly heavily. 
Temperament: This species, though shy, can be very quick. They are known to occasionally jump out at anyone doing maintenance in their habitat though, so care should be taken. This tarantula likely to bite if provoked, and has a more potent venom than others. 

About: This is one of the stockier looking arboreal tarantulas.  It is quite well designed to blend in with its natural habitat.  If you see pictures of this species in the wild, you can hardly see them on the trees they inhabit.   They are a bit darker when young, staring off as an olive green / grey.  With age they take on a frosty grey color, starburst pattern on the carapace, with varying shades of black to grey mottled spots on the abdomen. They also get stockier back legs like some other baboon species. This species is quite the webber and construct ‘rooms’ in their main hiding area. 

Watch Tom Moran's rehousing and husbandry video here!