Feeding and Housing Spiderlings
¼” or smaller spiderlings can be fed pre-killed hatchling red runner roaches, pre-killed tiny crickets, or cut up mealworms. They will also scavenge for food so any pieces of prey offered will be eaten from. Spiderlings will eat off the gooey parts, so just make sure those are available. Remove any uneaten food the next day. You can also offer springtails to tiny spiderlings as food.
½” – ¾” spiderlings can be fed pre-killed or disabled hatchling or small red runner roaches, small disabled crickets, or pieces of mealworm. They will also scavenge if needed and will eat from pieces of prey.
1” + spiderlings can be fed small to medium red runner roaches, crickets, or mealworms.
For the tiniest spiderlings that are up to ½” we recommend using our 15 dram vial. The vial comes with substrate and foliage.
For spiderlings that are about ¾”- 1” we recommend using 50 dram vials, our flip lid vials, the Fear Not Studio, or our 7 oz habitat (for terrestrials only)
For spiderlings over 1” that are terrestrial we recommend using our 24 oz habitat.
We feed our spiderlings red runner (Turkish roach) roaches. They are perfect for all sized spiderlings because they are soft bodied and are available in sizes from very tiny hatchlings on up to about 1".
We offer feeders in SMALL quantities to ship with your order.
For larger quantities, check out Fear Not Feeders.