Name Pronunciation:
Aphonopelma (uh-fone-uh-PEL-muh)
hentzi (HENT-see)
*Adapted from The American Tarantula Society
Name and Description History:
Mygale hentzii Girard, 1853
Eurypelma hentzi Simon, 1891
Dugesiella hentzi Banks, Newport & Bird, 1932
Aphonopelma hentzi Smith, 1995
Type: New world terrestrial
Size: Can reach around 5”
Growth Rate: slow
Natural Habitat: Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma. They live in silk-lined burrows.
Feeding: Crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms. Be sure to feed according to the size of your spiderling/ spider. Remember to remove uneaten prey or leftover bolus.
Temperament: generally docile
Housing Needs: Terrestrial. Humidity needs are low. They will appreciate deep substrate and a starter burrow and/or hide.
About: This is one of the relatively few species native to the USA. They are more commonly known as the Texas Brown tarantula. This species is known to be very docile and long lived, sometimes living over 30 years. Sporting a bronze colored carapace, burgundy abdomen and silky black legs makes this a handsome tarantula. Ours are rather active and fun to watch. Even at just 1” they rearrange their habitat like little bulldozers and seem to tend to their home more than any other tarantula we have. They are long-lived and very hardy. Though I do not advocate the handling of tarantulas, this is one of the most handleable. We recommend housing small spiderlings in a small clear container similar to what is shown above. This will enable you to more fully enjoy the activity of these industrious tarantulas.