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Fall Mystery  Event! October 13th through Oct 21st at NOON EST


Each Fear Not staff member chooses a species.  It is completely up to them and could be from any of the species we have as long as we have enough for the event.  They each write a description of their chosen species to get people interested in it.  

This is a contest between our staff members and the one who has the most sales gets a prize. It is fun for them and our customers.

It is important to keep in mind that some of the species offered may have a retail value less than $50, and some may have a retail value of more.

All the choices will be listed on the day the event starts along with their descriptions.

Important to know:
***Each one is priced at $50 even though some have higher or lower prices normally.
***We can only send one of each species in each shipment.  You can order more than 1 Mystery Tarantula, but please choose only one of each species.
***We CANNOT tell you what species you have until the end of the event, after the first bunch are shipped.
***Soon after the event is over we will post a “Mystery Reveal” on our Facebook page as well as on this site.

Please DO NOT purchase a Mystery Spider unless you are an experienced keeper.  If this is your first tarantula, a Mystery Spider is not for you.  We do include species that are appropriate for beginners, but there are also some that are not.  Anyone purchasing a tarantula for the first time should know about the species they are getting.

Fall Mystery Event! October 13th through Oct 21st at NOON EST

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