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Citharognathus tongmianensis (Chinese Stout-Leg Earth Tiger) about 2"


Citharognathus tongmianensis (was Ornithoctoninae sp. "Vendula") For sale! Spiderling pictured

Scientific Name: Citharognathus tongmianensis 

Common Name: Chinese Stout-Leg Earth Tiger

Type: Old world, fossorial

Endemic Location: China

Adult Size: 5-5.5"

 Diet: Crickets, roaches and mealworms

General info: This unique looking member of the Citharognathus family is native to China and is a striking example of a fossorial species, with larger back legs for burrowing and a brown body with light striping on the abdomen. Citharognathus tongmianensis adds a stunning touch to any collection!

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