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Poecilotheria regalis (Indian Ornamental Tarantula) about 1" - 1 1/2" +


Poecilotheria regalis (Indian Ornamental Tarantula) for sale!

Scientific Name: Poecilotheria regalis

Common Name: Indian Ornamental 

Type: old world arboreal

Endemic Location: southeastern India

Adult Size: around 7"

Diet: Crickets, roaches and mealworms

General info: The Poecilotheria regalis, or Indian Ornamental Tarantula, is a large arboreal spider native to parts of India. Its venom is potent and it is known for its agility, making it an ideal species for experienced keepers. It is a unique and exciting addition to your collection!


Make it a package!  Our packages include a habitat, substrate, foliage, feeders, a guide about raising up spiderlings, and a 30 day live guarantee! You must choose to make it a package in this item's drop down menu :) For more information about our "Complete" packages, follow this link


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