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Pamphobeteus sp. mascara FEMALE about 3"+ IN STORE ONLY


If you purchased a sexed tarantula: We guarantee the sex of your tarantula for three months or until the next molt.  I know that might sound silly at first, but we want to prevent you from raising up a tarantula for years only then to be hit with the surprise of a mature male.  This also prevents someone from coming back to us years later and telling us they purchased a female but there may be no record of the purchase or there may be a question of if that particular tarantula was from Fear Not.  So to avoid all those unpleasant possibilities, we ask that either you verify the sex with the next molt yourself,  or send it in a vial and we will sex it under the microscope again.

We do not sell a tarantula as sexed unless we are as certain of the sex as we can be using a molt to confirm, but mistakes are possible.

That's all we have to offer right now!

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